Source code for iMSminer.data_analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
iMSminer: A Data Processing and Machine Learning Package for Imaging Mass Spectrometry 
@author: Yu Tin Lin (
@author: Haohui Bao (
@author: Troy R. Scoggins IV (
@author: Boone M. Prentice (
License: Apache-2.0
import math
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
from itertools import combinations, permutations

import cv2
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import psutil
import seaborn
import seaborn as sns
import sklearn
import statsmodels.api as sm
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from numba import jit
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.metrics import (
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from statannotations.Annotator import Annotator
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

from .utils import (

[docs]class DataAnalysis: """ Performs data analysis on preprocessed intensity matrix and coordinate arrays. Mass alignment function wasa refactored from the python module msalign ( Attributes ---------- data_dir : str, user input Path pointing to directory containing preprocessed data fig_ratio : str, user input Text:figure ratio for rendered figures from options `small`, `medium`, and `large` df_pixel_all : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of pixels by peaks with coordinates, ROIs, and replicates with columns mapped to m/z array mz : pd.Series Series of m/z values for peaks index mapped to columns of df_pixel_all ROI_info : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of ROI coordinates with ROI label and replicate number ROI_num : int, user input Number of ROIs in dataset ROIs : str, user input ROI annotations from left to right, top to bottom img_array_1c : np.ndarray Collection of single-channgled ion images with positions mapped to x,y coordinates ion_type : str, user input Ion types of MS1 hits mass_diff : float, user input Mass differences of ion types from monoisotopic neutural MS1_db_path : str, user input Local file path of MS1 database mz_col : int, user input Number denoting column in database corresponding to exact mass of monoisotopic neutral ms1_df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing a table of MS1 hits with chemical information analyte_class : list List of analyte classes contained in column class_col of ms1_df df_mean_all : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of mean intensities with groups ROIs and replicates """ def __init__( self ): detect_gpu =['nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=name', '--format=csv'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if detect_gpu.returncode == 0: print("GPU Detected:\n", detect_gpu.stdout.strip()) test_library = ['cupy', 'cudf', 'cuml'] for lib in test_library: try: __import__(lib) print( f"{lib.capitalize()} is installed and imported successfully!") self.gpu = True except ImportError: print( f"{lib.capitalize()} is not installed or could not be imported.") self.gpu = False break else: print("No GPU detected or NVIDIA driver not installed.") self.gpu = False try: __import__("numba") print("Numba is installed and imported successfully!") self.jit = True except ImportError: print("Numba is not installed or could not be imported.") self.jit = False self.data_dir = input( "Enter directory path containing image datasets: ") fig_ratio_chosen = False while not fig_ratio_chosen: fig_ratio = input( "Render figures with `small`, `medium`, or `large` ratio? ") if fig_ratio == "small": self.fig_ratio = 10 fig_ratio_chosen = True elif fig_ratio == "medium": self.fig_ratio = 12.5 fig_ratio_chosen = True elif fig_ratio == "large": self.fig_ratio = 15 fig_ratio_chosen = True else: fig_ratio_chosen = False print("Select one of the options.")
[docs] def load_preprocessed_data( self ): """ import preprocessed intensity matrix and coordinate arrays, perform ROI annotation and selection, and store information for further data analysis """ datasets = os.listdir(self.data_dir) datasets = np.asarray(datasets)[(np.char.find( datasets, "coords") == -1) & (np.char.find(datasets, "csv") != -1)] self._df_pixel_all = pd.DataFrame() ROI_edge = pd.DataFrame() for rep, dataset in enumerate(datasets): print(f"Importing {dataset}.") df_build = pd.read_csv(f"{self.data_dir}/{dataset}") print(f"Finished importing {dataset}.") df_build.rename(columns={'Unnamed: 0': 'mz'}, inplace=True) df_build = df_build.T if not hasattr(self, "_mz"): self._mz = df_build.loc['mz'] = self._mz.copy() df_build.drop('mz', inplace=True) df_coords = pd.read_csv( f"{self.data_dir}/{dataset[:-4]}_coords.csv") df_coords.rename(columns={'0': 'x', '1': 'y'}, inplace=True) df_coords['x'] = df_coords['x'] - np.min(df_coords['x']) + 1 df_coords['y'] = df_coords['y'] - np.min(df_coords['y']) + 1 df_build.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_coords.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_build = pd.concat([df_build, df_coords[['x', 'y']]], axis=1) img_array_1c = make_image_1c(data_2darray=pd.concat([pd.Series(np.sum( df_build.iloc[:, :-2], axis=1)), df_build.iloc[:, -2:]], axis=1).to_numpy()) self.img_array_1c = img_array_1c self.ROI_num = int(input("Enter number of ROIs for analysis: ")) ROIs = input( "Enter labels for ROIs, from left to right, top to bottom? Separate ROI names by one space: ") ROIs = ROIs.split(" ") # ROI selection if not any(module in sys.modules for module in ["google.colab", "notebook"]): ROI_exit = False while not ROI_exit: ROI_dim_array = np.empty((0, 4)) for ROI in ROIs: ROI_dim = cv2.selectROI( 'ROI_selection', img_array_1c[0], showCrosshair=True) ROI_dim = np.asarray(ROI_dim) ROI_dim_array = np.append( ROI_dim_array, ROI_dim.reshape((1, -1)), axis=0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() ROI_sele = input("Keep ROI selecction? (yes/no) ") if ROI_sele == "yes": ROI_exit = True else: ROI_exit = False else: plt.close("all") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) ax.imshow(img_array_1c[0]) df_build['ROI'] = 'placeholder' df_build['ROI_num'] = 'placeholder' df_build['replicate'] = rep for i, ROI in enumerate(ROIs): print(f"Select ROI {i}, labeled {ROI}.") try: bottom = ROI_dim_array[i][1] top = ROI_dim_array[i][1] + ROI_dim_array[i][3] left = ROI_dim_array[i][0] right = ROI_dim_array[i][0] + ROI_dim_array[i][2] ROI_xy = (df_build['x'] >= left) & (df_build['x'] < right) & ( df_build['y'] >= bottom) & (df_build['y'] < top) df_build.loc[ROI_xy, "ROI"] = ROI df_build.loc[ROI_xy, "ROI_num"] = np.sum( df_build["ROI"] == ROI) ROI_edge = pd.concat([ROI_edge, pd.Series( [ROI, bottom, top, left, right, rep])], axis=1) except: # ROI selection for jupyter notebook and Google colab left = int( input("Enter lowest value on x (horizontal) coordinate: ")) right = int( input("Enter highest value on x (horizontal) coordinate: ")) bottom = int( input("Enter lowest value on y (vertical) coordinate: ")) top = int( input("Enter highest value on y (vertical) coordinate: ")) ROI_xy = (df_build['x'] >= left) & (df_build['x'] < right) & ( df_build['y'] >= bottom) & (df_build['y'] < top) df_build.loc[ROI_xy, "ROI"] = ROI ROI_edge = pd.concat([ROI_edge, pd.Series( [ROI, bottom, top, left, right, rep])], axis=1) print(f"ROI {i} is selected and labeled {ROI}!") self._df_pixel_all = pd.concat([self._df_pixel_all, df_build]) self._df_pixel_all.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self._df_pixel_all.columns = self._df_pixel_all.columns.astype(str) self.df_pixel_all = self._df_pixel_all.copy() ROI_edge = ROI_edge.T.reset_index(drop=True) ROI_edge.columns = ["ROI", "bottom", "top", "left", "right", "replicate"] self.ROI_info = ROI_edge
[docs] def calibrate_mz( self ): """ Interactive calibration using polynomial regression via linear model of user-specified degree Parameters ---------- degree : int, user input Degree for linear model used in polynomial regression calibration reference_mz : 1darray, user input Reference massess to perform calibration on calibration_exit : str, user input Exits calibration if user specifies `yes` """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/calibration"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/calibration")'default') exit_regression = False while not exit_regression: degree = int( input("Enter the degree of linear model for polynomial calibration. Enter an integer: ")) reference_mz = input( "Enter reference m/z's for calibration. Separate each reference m/z by one space: ") reference_mz = reference_mz.split(" ") reference_mz = np.asarray(reference_mz).astype(np.float32) resid_index = np.argmin( abs(([:, np.newaxis] - reference_mz[np.newaxis, :])), axis=0) resid =[resid_index].to_numpy() - reference_mz poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, include_bias=False) poly_features_resid = poly.fit_transform([resid_index].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1)) poly_reg_model = LinearRegression(), resid) R2 = poly_reg_model.score(poly_features_resid, resid) poly_features = poly.fit_transform(, 1)) resid_predicted = poly_reg_model.predict(poly_features) fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(self.fig_ratio, self.fig_ratio*0.7)) ax.scatter([resid_index], resid_predicted[resid_index]/[resid_index]*10**6, color="red") resid_index_compl = np.ones([0], dtype=bool) resid_index_compl[resid_index] = False ax.scatter([resid_index_compl], np.zeros_like([resid_index_compl]), color="blue", alpha=0.25) ax.plot([resid_index], resid_predicted[resid_index] /[resid_index]*10**6, color='black') ax.set_title(f'Linear model of degree {degree}', weight="bold") ax.set_xlabel('Experimental m/z', weight="bold") ax.set_ylabel('Residual [ppm]', weight="bold") ax.text(0.5, 0.95, f'$R^2 = {R2:.3f}$', fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', transform=plt.gca().transAxes) calibration_exit = input( "Accept changes to calibration? (yes/no/exit) ") if calibration_exit == "yes": -= resid_predicted fig.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/calibration/accepted_calibration_degree{degree}.png") exit_regression = True elif calibration_exit == "no": exit_regression = False plt.close(fig) elif calibration_exit == "exit": plt.close(fig) break
[docs] def filter_analytes( self, method: str = "MS1" ): """ Subset peak-picked untargeted data to analytes of interest Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Type of filtering, by default "MS1" Method `MS1" subsets` untargeted data to MS1 hits Method `analyte_class` subsets untargeted data to analyte classes from MS1 hits """ print(f"Filtering analytes by {method}.") truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == "x")[0][0] if method == "MS1": pass elif method == "MS2": MS2_path = input("Enter file path of MS2 results: ") MS2_results = pd.read_csv(MS2_path) if not any(self.ms1_df.columns == "adduct"): ion_type = np.unique(self.ms1_df['ion_type']) adduct_mapping = input( f"Map {ion_type} to the following. Separate each value by one space: ") adduct_mapping = adduct_mapping.split(" ") mapping_dict = dict(zip(ion_type, adduct_mapping)) self.ms1_df['adduct'] = self.ms1_df['ion_type'].replace( mapping_dict).fillna('unknown') analyte_col = int(input(f"Enter column number that corresponds to analyte IDs. The columns are \n" f"{self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1 self.ms1_df = pd.merge(self.ms1_df, MS2_results, left_on=[f'{self.ms1_df.columns[analyte_col]}', 'adduct'], right_on=[ 'bulk_ID', 'adduct'], how='inner', suffixes=('', '_ms2')) self.ms1_df = self.ms1_df.iloc[self.ms1_df[[ "adduct", "ns_ID"]].drop_duplicates().index].reset_index(drop=True) elif method == "analyte_class": print(f"The columns in MS1 dataframe are {self.ms1_df.columns}") class_col = int(input( f"Enter column [number] in MS1 dataframe corresponds to analyte class? The columns are \n" f"{self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1 analyte_class = input( "Enter analyte classes of interest. Separate each analyte class by one space: ") self.analyte_class = analyte_class.split(" ") self.ms1_df.loc[self.ms1_df.iloc[:, class_col].str.contains( '|'.join(analyte_class))].reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) elif method == "ion_type": print(f"The columns in MS1 dataframe are {self.ms1_df.columns}") ion_col = int( input(f"Enter column [number] MS1 dataframe that corresponds to ion type. The columns are \n" f"{self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1 ion_type = input( "Enter ion types of interest. Separate each ion type by one space: ") self.ms1_df.loc[self.ms1_df.iloc[:, ion_col].str.contains( '|'.join(ion_type))].reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) else: print( "Method not recognized. Please choose from options specified in documentation. ") return print("No filtering was performed.") self.df_pixel_all = pd.concat([self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, np.unique( self.ms1_df['analyte'])], self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, truncate_col:]], axis=1) =[np.unique(self.ms1_df['analyte'])], inplace=True) analyte_mapping = {old_analyte: new_analyte for new_analyte, old_analyte in enumerate(np.unique(self.ms1_df['analyte']))} self.ms1_df['analyte'] = self.ms1_df['analyte'].squeeze().map( analyte_mapping) truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == "x")[0][0] self.df_pixel_all.columns = np.append(np.arange(truncate_col).astype( str), self.df_pixel_all.columns[truncate_col:])
[docs] def normalize_pixel( self, method: str = "TIC" ): """Normalize pixels using specified method Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Method to compute normalization factor, by default "TIC" Method `TIC` normalizes on total ion count over each pixel Method `RMS` normalizes on root mean square over each pixel Method `reference` normalizes on a reference analyte specified by m/z or index Method `max` normalizes on maximum intensity of each pixel """ print(f"Normalizing pixels with {method}.") truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] if method == "TIC": self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.sum(self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=1), axis=0 ) elif method == "RMS": self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = np.sqrt( self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col]**2 / self.df_pixel_all.shape[1]) elif method == "reference": print( "Pixels with reference intensity = 0 are normalized on the reference mean") mz_reference = float(input("Enter m/z of reference mass: ")) ref_col = np.argmin(np.abs( - mz_reference)) self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, ref_col].apply(lambda x: self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, ref_col].mean() if x == 0 else x), axis=0 ) elif method == "max": self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=1), axis=0 ) else: print("Normalization method not found. Default to no normalization") pass
[docs] def get_ion_image( self, replicate: int = 0, show_ROI: bool = True, show_square: bool = True, color_scheme: str = "inferno", ROI_size_divisor: float = 8, quantile: float = 100 ): """ Render ion image for analytes in self._df_pixel_all (filtered or unfiltered) Parameters ---------- replicate : int, optional Render image from replicate (dataset) #, by default 0 show_ROI : bool, optional Display ROI label above redenred ion image, by default True show_square : bool, optional Display a green box around selected ROI in rendered ion image, by default False color_scheme : str, optional False-color scheme for ion image visualization, by default "inferno". A list of color schemes are available here: ROI_size_divisor : float, optional Controls size of ROI labels, where a smaller divisor gives a larger ROI label, by default 8 quantile : float, optional Quantile of intensity (possible values in [0, 100]) for ion image visualization, by default 100 """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/ion_image"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/ion_image") resolution = float( input("Enter spatial resolution of imaging [microns]: "))'default') truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] + 2 self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col - 2] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col-2].fillna(0) insitu_df = pd.concat([self.df_pixel_all['replicate'], self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col]], axis=1) insitu_df = insitu_df[insitu_df['replicate'] == replicate] insitu_df = insitu_df.drop(columns=['replicate']) if self.jit: insitu_2darray = insitu_df.to_numpy() img_array_1c = np.zeros([insitu_2darray.shape[1]-2, int(max(insitu_2darray[:, -1]))+1, int(max(insitu_2darray[:, -2]))+1, 1]) insitu_image = make_image_1c_njit( data_2darray=insitu_2darray, img_array_1c=img_array_1c, remap_coord=False) del insitu_2darray, img_array_1c else: insitu_image = make_image_1c( data_2darray=insitu_df.to_numpy(), remap_coord=False, max_normalize=False) ROI_info = self.ROI_info[self.ROI_info["replicate"] == replicate] ROI_info.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) show_ROI = True show_square = True width_ratios = (ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left'] ).to_numpy().astype(np.float32) width_ratios /= max(width_ratios) width_ratios = width_ratios.tolist() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': np.max( self.df_pixel_all[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/20}) ROI_label_size = max( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']) / ROI_size_divisor for analyte, im in enumerate(insitu_image[:, :, :, 0]):'dark_background') fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(1, len( ROI_info) + 1, width_ratios=width_ratios + [0.1], figure=fig, wspace=0.25) q_max = np.percentile(im, quantile) norm = Normalize(vmin=im.min(), vmax=q_max) im = norm(im) im = np.clip(im, 0, 1) ROI_max = 0 for ax_index in range(len(ROI_info)): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, ax_index]) ROI = pd.DataFrame(ROI_info.loc[ax_index]).T start_col = np.where(ROI.columns == "bottom")[0][0] truncate_col = np.where(ROI_info.columns == "right")[0][0] squares = ROI.iloc[:, start_col:truncate_col+1].to_numpy() im_ROI = im[int(squares[0][0]):(int(squares[0][1])+1), int(squares[0][2]):(int(squares[0][3])+1)] if np.max(im_ROI) > ROI_max: ROI_max = np.max(im_ROI) ax.imshow(im_ROI, cmap=color_scheme, vmin=0, vmax=1) for i, square in enumerate(squares): bottom, top, left, right = square top -= bottom bottom -= bottom right -= left left -= left x_coords = [left, left, right, right, left] y_coords = [bottom, top, top, bottom, bottom] if show_square: plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, 'g-', linewidth=3) if show_ROI: plt.text(right/2, bottom-1, ROI.iloc[0, 0], horizontalalignment='center', size=ROI_label_size, color='white') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, -1]) fig.suptitle(f"m/z {[analyte]:.3f}", fontsize=ROI_label_size, fontweight='bold') scalar_mappable = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=color_scheme) scalar_mappable.set_clim(0, quantile/100) colorbar = plt.colorbar( scalar_mappable, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') colorbar.set_ticks([0, quantile/100]) colorbar.set_ticklabels([0, quantile]) cax.set_position([cax.get_position().x0, cax.get_position().y0 + cax.get_position( ).height * 0.25, cax.get_position().width, cax.get_position().height * 0.5]) cax_pos = cax.get_position() line_y = cax_pos.y1 + 0.05 line_x_start = cax_pos.x0 line_x_end = cax_pos.x1 line = Line2D([line_x_start, line_x_end], [line_y, line_y], color='white', transform=fig.transFigure, clip_on=False, linewidth=ROI_label_size/10) fig.add_artist(line) resolution_plt = resolution * \ max(round( np.max(ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left'])*(line_x_end-line_x_start), 0)*self.ROI_num, 1) fig.text((line_x_start + line_x_end) / 2, line_y + 0.02, f'{resolution_plt: .0f} $\mu$m', ha='center', va='center', color='white', fontsize=ROI_label_size/2) plt.savefig(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/ion_image/mz_{[analyte]: .3f}_replicate{replicate}.png", bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def make_FC_plot( self, pthreshold: float = 0.05, FCthreshold: float = 1.5, legend_label: str = "condition", feature_label: str = "mz", hm_label: str = "mz", jitter_amount: float = 2, jitter_factor: float = 100, font_size: float = 15, get_hm: bool = True, hm_width_factor: float = 10, hm_height_factor: float = 30, hm_fontsize: float = 10, hm_wspace: float = 1.5 ): """ Generate volcano plots of permuted ROI pairs, showing fold-change statistics and p-values Parameters ---------- pthreshold : float, optional P-value threshold for statistical significance in volcano plot, by default 0.05 FCthreshold : float, optional Absolute fold change threshold for significant dysregulation in volcano plot, by default 1.5 legend_label : str, optional Labeling scheme for legend of volcano plot, by default `condition` Method `condition` colors data points by expression condition Method `analyte_class` colors significant data points by class of analyte from MS1 search. Prequisite: DataAnalysis.MS1_search() feature_label : str, optional Labeling scehem for data points in volcano plot, by default `mz` Method `mz` labels significant data points by their corresponding m/z values Method `analyte` labels significant data points by their corresponding analylte IDs.Prequisite: DataAnalysis.MS1_search() hm_label : str, optional Labeling scheme for data points in heatmap, by default `mz` Method `mz` visualizes m/z values Method `analyte` visualizes analyte IDs. Prequisite: DataAnalysis.MS1_search() jitter_amount : float, optional Controls placement of feature label in volcano plot, by default 2 jitter_factor : float, optional Controls the repulsiveness of neighboring feature labels, by deafult 100 font_size : float, optional Font size of feature labels in volcano plot, by default 15 get_hm : bool, optional Renders a heatmap of feature label by ROI with entries fold change if `get_hm = True`, by deafult True hm_width_factor : float, optional Controls width of heatmaps hm_height_factor : float, optional Controls height of heatmap hm_fontsize : float, optional Controls font size in heatmap hm_wspace : float ,optional Controls column spacing between heatmaps """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano_unlabeled"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano_unlabeled")'default') if feature_label == "analyte": analyte_col = int(input(f"Enter column number that corresponds to analyte IDs. \n" f"The columns are {self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1 # prepare dataframe for p-value and FC computations self.df_mean_all = self.df_pixel_all.groupby( ['ROI', 'replicate', 'ROI_num']).mean().reset_index() self.df_mean_all.columns = self.df_mean_all.columns.astype(str) self.df_mean_all = self.df_mean_all[self.df_mean_all['ROI'] != 'placeholder'] if self.df_mean_all['ROI'].shape[0] < 2: warnings.warn("Needs at least 2 ROIs.", RuntimeWarning) # return None df_mean_all_long = pd.melt(self.df_mean_all, id_vars=[ 'ROI', 'replicate', 'ROI_num', 'x', 'y'], var_name='analyte', value_name='intensity') df_mean_all_long['analyte'] = df_mean_all_long['analyte'].astype(int) df_FC = df_mean_all_long.groupby( ['ROI', 'analyte']).mean().reset_index() df_hm = df_FC.copy() print("Starting to generate volcano plots.") for combo in list(permutations(df_FC['ROI'].unique(), 2)): df_FC_pair = df_FC[(df_FC['ROI'] == combo[0]) | (df_FC['ROI'] == combo[1])] if any(df_FC_pair['intensity'] == 0): print(f"Analyte(s) \n{[(df_FC_pair['intensity'] == 0).reset_index(drop=True)]} \nhave a zero mean intensity in \n" f"{combo[0]}. Excluded from volcano plot {combo[0]} / {combo[1]}. ") exclude_analyte = df_FC_pair.loc[df_FC_pair['intensity'] == 0, "analyte"].to_numpy( ) df_FC_pair = df_FC_pair.loc[~df_FC_pair['analyte'].isin( exclude_analyte)] else: exclude_analyte = None reference_intensity = df_FC_pair[df_FC_pair['ROI'] == combo[1]].groupby('analyte')[ 'intensity'].mean() df_FC_pair = df_FC_pair.merge( reference_intensity, on='analyte', suffixes=('', '_ref')) df_FC_pair['intensity'] /= df_FC_pair['intensity_ref'] df_FC_pair['intensity'] = np.log2(df_FC_pair['intensity']) df_FC_pair['p'] = 1 # compute p-value for each analyte for analyte_sele in df_FC_pair['analyte'].unique(): df_analyte = df_mean_all_long[df_mean_all_long['analyte'] == analyte_sele] lm_df = ols('intensity ~ C(ROI)', data=df_analyte).fit() if lm_df.df_resid == 0: warnings.warn( "Insufficient sample size for computing p-values.", RuntimeWarning) # return None anova_df = sm.stats.anova_lm(lm_df, typ=1) df_FC_pair.loc[df_FC_pair['analyte'] == analyte_sele, 'p'] = anova_df['PR(>F)'][0] df_FC_pair['p'] = -np.log10(df_FC_pair['p']) df_FC_pair['legend'] = "placeholder" df_vp = df_FC_pair[df_FC_pair['ROI'] == combo[0]].set_index('analyte') if legend_label == "condition": palette = { "placeholder": "grey", "downregulated": "blue", "upregulated": "red" } df_vp.loc[(df_vp['p'] > -np.log10(pthreshold)) & ( df_vp['intensity'] < -np.log2(FCthreshold)), 'legend'] = "downregulated" df_vp.loc[(df_vp['p'] > -np.log10(pthreshold)) & ( df_vp['intensity'] > np.log2(FCthreshold)), 'legend'] = "upregulated" elif legend_label == "analyte_class": color_keys = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys())[ :len(self.filter_by)] palette = dict(zip(self.filter_by, color_keys)) palette = {"placeholder": "grey"} | palette vp_features = self.ms1_df.iloc[:, [ 0, self.col_filter+1]].drop_duplicates().to_numpy() df_vp = df_vp.iloc[vp_features[:, 0].astype(int)] vp_indices = (df_vp['p'] > -np.log10(pthreshold) ) & (abs(df_vp['intensity']) > np.log2(FCthreshold)) df_vp.loc[vp_indices, "legend"] = vp_features[vp_indices, 1] plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_ratio * 1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot() scatter_plt = sns.scatterplot(data=df_vp, x="intensity", y="p", hue="legend", palette=palette, s=80, ax=ax) colors = scatter_plt.collections[0].get_facecolors() ax.set_title(f'{combo[0]} / {combo[1]}', weight="bold") ax.set_xlabel('Log2 FC', weight="bold") ax.set_ylabel('-Log10 p_value', weight="bold") plt.axvline(x=-np.log2(FCthreshold), color='black', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--') plt.axvline(x=np.log2(FCthreshold), color='black', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--') plt.axhline(y=-np.log10(pthreshold), color='black', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--') if feature_label == "mz": vp_indices = (df_vp['p'] > -np.log10(pthreshold) ) & (abs(df_vp['intensity']) > np.log2(FCthreshold)) try: repel_labels(ax, df_vp['intensity'][vp_indices], df_vp['p'][vp_indices], np.round([np.unique( df_FC_pair['analyte'])].to_numpy(), 1)[vp_indices], colors[vp_indices], k=jitter_amount, jitter_factor=jitter_factor, font_size=font_size) except ValueError: pass elif feature_label == "analyte": vp_retain = self.ms1_df.loc[self.ms1_df['analyte'] != exclude_analyte, 'analyte'].to_numpy().astype( int) _, vp_retain = np.unique(vp_retain, return_inverse=True) df_vp_mapping = df_vp.iloc[vp_retain] colors = [color for color in colors[vp_retain]] vp_indices = (df_vp_mapping['p'] > -np.log10(pthreshold)) & ( abs(df_vp_mapping['intensity']) > np.log2(FCthreshold)) try: repel_labels(ax, df_vp_mapping['intensity'][vp_indices], df_vp_mapping['p'][vp_indices], self.ms1_df.iloc[:, analyte_col][vp_indices.reset_index( drop=True)], pd.Series(colors)[vp_indices.reset_index(drop=True)], k=jitter_amount, jitter_factor=jitter_factor, font_size=font_size) except ValueError: pass elif feature_label == "none": pass handles, labels = scatter_plt.get_legend_handles_labels() filtered_handles = [h for h, l in zip( handles, labels) if l != 'placeholder'] filtered_labels = [l for l in labels if l != 'placeholder'] ax.legend(filtered_handles, filtered_labels, title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano/{combo[0]}_{combo[1]}", dpi=300) # vocalno unlabeled plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) fig = plt.figure( figsize=(self.fig_ratio*1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot() scatter_plt = sns.scatterplot(data=df_vp, x="intensity", y="p", hue="legend", palette=palette, s=80, ax=ax) ax.set_title(f'{combo[0]} / {combo[1]}', weight="bold") ax.set_xlabel('Log2 FC', weight="bold") ax.set_ylabel('-Log10 p_value', weight="bold") plt.axvline(x=-np.log2(FCthreshold), color='black', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--') plt.axvline(x=np.log2(FCthreshold), color='black', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--') plt.axhline(y=-np.log10(pthreshold), color='black', linewidth=1.5, linestyle='--') handles, labels = scatter_plt.get_legend_handles_labels() filtered_handles = [h for h, l in zip( handles, labels) if l != 'placeholder'] filtered_labels = [l for l in labels if l != 'placeholder'] ax.legend(filtered_handles, filtered_labels, title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano_unlabeled/{combo[0]}_{combo[1]}", dpi=300) if get_hm: df_hm = df_hm.pivot( index="analyte", columns="ROI", values="intensity") if hm_label == "mz": df_hm.set_index([df_hm.index.to_numpy()], inplace=True) elif hm_label == "analyte": ID_col = int(input( f"Enter the column [number] to use for labeling analytes in heatmap. The columns are {self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1 df_hm = df_hm.iloc[self.ms1_df['analyte'].to_numpy().astype( int)] df_hm.set_index(self.ms1_df.iloc[:, ID_col], inplace=True) df_hm = np.log2(df_hm.div(df_hm.mean(axis=1), axis=0)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=( hm_height_factor*df_hm.shape[1]/df_hm.shape[0]*hm_width_factor, hm_height_factor)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': hm_fontsize}) if hm_label == "mz": gs = GridSpec(1, 1 + 1, width_ratios=[1] + [0.1], figure=fig, wspace=hm_wspace) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) hm_plt = ax.imshow(df_hm.to_numpy(), cmap='coolwarm', aspect='auto') hm_plt.set_clim(-3, 3) for i in range(df_hm.shape[0]): for j in range(df_hm.shape[1]): ax.text(j, i, f'{df_hm.iloc[i, j]:.1f}', ha='center', va='center', color='black') ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') ax.set_yticks(np.arange(df_hm.shape[0])) ax.set_yticklabels(df_hm.index) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(df_hm.shape[1])) ax.set_xticklabels(df_hm.columns, rotation=90) elif hm_label == "analyte": self.col_sep = int(input( f"Enter the column [number] that contains the groups of interest. The columns are {self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1 filter_by = input( f"Enter the groups of interest from {self.col_sep+1}. Separate each group by one space: ") self.filter_by = filter_by.split(" ") gs = GridSpec(1, len(self.filter_by) + 1, width_ratios=[1]*len( self.filter_by) + [0.1], figure=fig, wspace=hm_wspace) for k, analyte_class in enumerate(self.filter_by): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, k]) df_hm_subset = df_hm[( self.ms1_df.iloc[:, self.col_sep] == analyte_class).to_numpy()] hm_plt = ax.imshow(df_hm_subset.to_numpy(), cmap='coolwarm', aspect='auto') hm_plt.set_clim(-3, 3) for i in range(df_hm_subset.shape[0]): for j in range(df_hm_subset.shape[1]): ax.text(j, i, f'{df_hm_subset.iloc[i, j]:.1f}', ha='center', va='center', color='black') ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') ax.set_yticks(np.arange(df_hm_subset.shape[0])) ax.set_yticklabels(df_hm_subset.index) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(df_hm_subset.shape[1])) ax.set_xticklabels(df_hm_subset.columns, rotation=90) cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, -1]) colorbar = plt.colorbar(hm_plt, cax=cax) colorbar.set_ticks(range(-3, 3+1)) cax.set_position([cax.get_position().x0, cax.get_position().y0 + cax.get_position( ).height * 0.3, cax.get_position().width, cax.get_position().height * 0.45]) plt.savefig(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/volcano/heatmap", dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def insitu_clustering( self, k: int = 10, perplexity: float = 15, replicate: int = 0, show_ROI: bool = True, show_square: bool = True, ROI_linewidth: float = 3, ROI_size_divisor: float = 8, insitu_tsne: bool = False ): """ In situ segmentation via k-means clusterin. Groups pixels by similarity in molecular profiles. Outputs in situ visualization of ROIs colored by cluster labels. In situ segmentation with cluster and ROI annotations are visualized in lower-dimensional t-SNE embedding. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional Number of k-means clusters. The default is 10. perplexity : float, optional t-SNE embedding parameter, which influences tightness of embedded neighbors. The default is 15. replicate : int, optional Dataset # of which ion images are rendered. The default is 0. show_ROI : bool, optional Display ROI label above redenred ion image if True. The default is True. show_square : bool, optional Display a green box around selected ROI in rendered ion image if True. The default is False. ROI_line_width : float, optional Controls width of green box surrounding ROIs ROI_size_divisor : float, optional Controls size of ROI labels, where a smaller divisor gives a larger ROI label, by default 8 insitu_tsne : bool, optional Renders a RGB in situ representation of 3D t-SNE embedding if `insitu_tsne = True`, by default False """ resolution = float( input("Enter spatial resolution of imaging [microns]: ")) if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster")'default') # KMeans self.k = k self.perplexity = perplexity truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].fillna( 0) df_pixel_all_max = self.df_pixel_all.copy() df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max.loc[df_pixel_all_max["ROI"] != "placeholder"] df_pixel_all_max.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=0), axis=1 ) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=1), axis=0 ) df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max.fillna(0) num_iters = 1000 if self.gpu == False: print("Spatial segmentation on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.manifold import TSNE # tSNE k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 my_random_state = 1 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=self.perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding = tsne.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) elif self.gpu == True: try: print("Spatial segmentation on GPU.") from cuml import using_output_type from cuml.cluster import KMeans from cuml.manifold import TSNE with using_output_type('numpy'): k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, max_iter=num_iters).fit( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 my_random_state = 1 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=self.perplexity, random_state=my_random_state, n_neighbors=150) tsne_embedding = tsne.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) except: print("GPU error. Defaulting to CPU.") print("Spatial segmentation on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.manifold import TSNE k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 my_random_state = 1 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=self.perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding = tsne.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) df_pixel_all_max['insitu_cluster'] = pd.DataFrame(kmeans_labels) plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_ratio*1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) cmap ='rainbow', len(np.unique(kmeans_labels))) for i, label in enumerate(np.unique(kmeans_labels)): plt.scatter(tsne_embedding[kmeans_labels == label, 0], tsne_embedding[kmeans_labels == label, 1], c=cmap(i), alpha=0.6, label=f'Cluster {label}') plt.title( "In situ segmentation in t-SNE", weight='bold') plt.xlabel("t-SNE 1", weight='bold') plt.ylabel("t-SNE 2", weight='bold') legend = plt.legend( title='Cluster', title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) for legend_handle in legend.legendHandles: legend_handle.set_alpha(1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster/kmeans_tsne", dpi=100) categories = pd.Categorical(df_pixel_all_max['ROI']) unique_categories = categories.categories cmap ='rainbow', len(unique_categories)) plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_ratio*1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) for i, category in enumerate(unique_categories): mask = df_pixel_all_max['ROI'] == category plt.scatter(tsne_embedding[mask, 0], tsne_embedding[mask, 1], color=cmap(i), alpha=0.6, label=category) plt.title("In situ segmentation in t-SNE", weight='bold') plt.xlabel("t-SNE 1", weight='bold') plt.ylabel("t-SNE 2", weight='bold') legend = plt.legend( title='ROI', title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) for legend_handle in legend.legendHandles: legend_handle.set_alpha(1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster/original_space_tsne", dpi=100) insitu_df = pd.concat([df_pixel_all_max['replicate'], pd.DataFrame(kmeans_labels, columns=["kmeans_label"]), df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]], axis=1) insitu_df = insitu_df[insitu_df['replicate'] == replicate] insitu_df = insitu_df.drop(columns=['replicate']) insitu_image = make_image_1c( data_2darray=insitu_df.to_numpy(), remap_coord=False, max_normalize=False) insitu_image =, 0) ROI_info = self.ROI_info[self.ROI_info["replicate"] == replicate] ROI_info.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) show_ROI = True show_square = True width_ratios = (ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left'] ).to_numpy().astype(np.float32) width_ratios /= max(width_ratios) width_ratios = width_ratios.tolist()'dark_background') fig = plt.figure() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': np.max( self.df_pixel_all[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/20}) ROI_label_size = max( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']) / ROI_size_divisor gs = GridSpec(1, len(ROI_info) + 1, width_ratios=width_ratios + [0.1], figure=fig, wspace=0.25) for ax_index in range(len(ROI_info)): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, ax_index]) ROI = pd.DataFrame(ROI_info.loc[ax_index]).T start_col = np.where(ROI.columns == "bottom")[0][0] truncate_col = np.where(ROI_info.columns == "right")[0][0] squares = ROI.iloc[:, start_col:truncate_col+1].to_numpy() im_ROI = insitu_image[0][int(squares[0][0]):(int(squares[0][1])+1), int(squares[0][2]):(int(squares[0][3])+1)] kmeans_insitu = ax.imshow( im_ROI, cmap="rainbow", vmin=1, vmax=np.max(kmeans_labels)) for i, square in enumerate(squares): bottom, top, left, right = square top -= bottom bottom -= bottom right -= left left -= left x_coords = [left, left, right, right, left] y_coords = [bottom, top, top, bottom, bottom] if show_square: plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, 'g-', linewidth=3) if show_ROI: plt.text(right/2, bottom-1, ROI.iloc[0, 0], horizontalalignment='center', size=ROI_label_size, color='white') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') plt.title("") cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, -1]) colorbar = plt.colorbar(kmeans_insitu, cax=cax) min_val, max_val = 1, np.max(kmeans_labels) colorbar.set_ticks(range(int(min_val), int(max_val) + 1)) cax.set_position([cax.get_position().x0, cax.get_position().y0 + cax.get_position( ).height * 0.25, cax.get_position().width, cax.get_position().height * 0.5]) cax_pos = cax.get_position() line_y = cax_pos.y1 + 0.05 line_x_start = cax_pos.x0 line_x_end = cax_pos.x1 plt.tight_layout() line = Line2D([line_x_start, line_x_end], [line_y, line_y], color='white', transform=fig.transFigure, clip_on=False, linewidth=ROI_linewidth) fig.add_artist(line) resolution_plt = resolution * \ max(round( np.max(ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left'])*(line_x_end-line_x_start), 0)*self.ROI_num, 1) fig.text((line_x_start + line_x_end) / 2, line_y + 0.02, f'{resolution_plt:.0f} $\mu$m', ha='center', va='center', color='white', fontsize=ROI_label_size/2) plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster/kmeans_insitu_image", dpi=200)
[docs] def optimize_insitu_clustering( self, k_max: int = 10 ): """ In situ segmentation via k-means clusterin. Groups pixels by similarity in molecular profiles. Outputs in situ visualization of ROIs colored by cluster labels. In situ segmentation with cluster and ROI annotations are visualized in lower-dimensional t-SNE embedding. Parameters ---------- k_max : int, optional Maximum number of clusters for cluster validity evaluation """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster") score_array = np.zeros((k_max-1, 4)) truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].fillna( 0) df_pixel_all_max = self.df_pixel_all.copy() df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max.loc[df_pixel_all_max["ROI"] != "placeholder"] df_pixel_all_max.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=0), axis=1 ) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=1), axis=0 ) df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max.fillna(0) num_iters = 1000 for k in range(2, k_max+1): self.k = k if self.gpu == False: print("In situ clustering on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 elif self.gpu == True: try: print("Image clustering on GPU.") from cuml import using_output_type from cuml.cluster import KMeans with using_output_type('numpy'): k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, max_iter=num_iters).fit( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 except: print("GPU error. Defaulting to CPU.") print("Image clustering on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 score_array[k-2, 0] = davies_bouldin_score( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], kmeans_labels) score_array[k-2, 1] = calinski_harabasz_score( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], kmeans_labels) score_array[k-2, 2] = silhouette_score( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], k_means.fit_predict(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col])) score_array[k-2, 3] = k_means.inertia_'default') categories = ["DB", "CH", "Silhouette", "Elbow"] plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'purple', "black"] normalized_scores = np.divide(score_array, np.max(score_array, axis=0)) x_values = np.arange(2, k_max+1) for i, (category, color) in enumerate(zip(categories, colors)): y_values = normalized_scores[:, i] plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, color=color, label=category) plt.plot(x_values, y_values, color=color) plt.xlabel('Number of clusters', weight='bold') plt.ylabel('Max-Normalized Scores', weight='bold') plt.legend(title='Score', fontsize="small", title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/insitu_cluster/insitu_clustering_optimization_plot.png", bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def image_clustering( self, k: int = 10, perplexity: float = 5, replicate: int = 0, show_ROI: bool = True, show_square: bool = True, color_scheme: str = "inferno", insitu_tsne: bool = False, insitu_perplexity: float = 15, zoom: float = 0.1, quantile: float = 100, img_plot_method: str = "plot_ROI", feature_label="mz", jitter_amount: float = 2, jitter_factor: float = 100, font_size: float = 15, ROI_linewidth: float = 3, ROI_size_divisor: float = 8 ): """ Group ion images by spatial co-localization. Outputs in situ and box plot visualizations of mean ion image for each cluster. Clustering analysis and in situ mapping of clusters are summarized in lower-dimensional t -SNE embedding. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional Number of k-means clusters. The default is 10. perplexity : float, optional t-SNE embedding parameter, which influences tightness of embedded neighbors. The default is 5. replicate : int, optional Dataset # of which ion images are rendered. The default is 0. show_ROI : bool, optional Display ROI label above redenred ion image if True. The default is True. show_square : bool, optional Display a green box around selected ROI in rendered ion image if True. The default is False. color_scheme : str, optional False-color scheme for ion image visualization. The default is "inferno". A list of color schemes are available here: zoom : float, optional Relative size of ion images in t-SNE embedding to the embedding. The default is 0.1. quantile : TYPE, optional Maximum intensity quantile cutoff for ion image visualization. The default is 100. img_plot_method: str, optional Controls layout of rendered in situ heatmaps Method `plot_img` retains all coordinates from imaging mass spectrometry experiment Method `plot_ROI` renders heatmaps of ROIs jitter_amount : float, optional Controls placement of feature labels in t-SNE embedding of ion images, by default 2 jitter_factor : float, optional Controls the repulsiveness of neighboring feature labels in t-SNE embedding of ion images, by deafult 100 font_size : float, optional Font size of feature labels in volcano plot, by default 15 ROI_line_width : float, optional Controls width of green box surrounding ROIs, by default 3 ROI_size_divisor : float, optional Controls size of ROI labels, where a smaller divisor gives a larger ROI label, by default 8 """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster") if feature_label == "analyte": analyte_col = int(input(f"Enter column number that corresponds to analyte IDs. The columns are \n" f"{self.ms1_df.columns}: ")) - 1'default') resolution = float( input("Enter spatial resolution of imaging [microns]: ")) self.k = k self.perplexity = perplexity truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].fillna( 0) df_pixel_all_max = self.df_pixel_all.copy() df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max[df_pixel_all_max["ROI"] != "placeholder"] df_pixel_all_max.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=0)) num_iters = 1000 if self.gpu == False: print("Image clustering on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.manifold import TSNE k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 my_random_state = 1 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=self.perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding = tsne.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) elif self.gpu == True: try: print("Image clustering on GPU.") from cuml import using_output_type from cuml.cluster import KMeans from cuml.manifold import TSNE with using_output_type('numpy'): k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, max_iter=num_iters).fit( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 my_random_state = 1 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=self.perplexity, random_state=my_random_state, n_neighbors=150) tsne_embedding = tsne.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) except: print("GPU error. Defaulting to CPU.") print("Image clustering on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.manifold import TSNE k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 my_random_state = 1 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=self.perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding = tsne.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) image_cluster_label = pd.DataFrame(kmeans_labels) image_cluster_label = image_cluster_label.reset_index() image_cluster_label.rename( columns={'index': 'analyte', 0: 'cluster'}, inplace=True) image_df = df_pixel_all_max.groupby( ['ROI', 'replicate', 'ROI_num']).mean().reset_index() cluster_mean_df = image_df['ROI'] image_cluster_all = df_pixel_all_max['ROI'] for cluster_index in range(1, k+1): # loop through clusters cluster_df = image_df[image_cluster_label[image_cluster_label['cluster'] == cluster_index]['analyte'].to_numpy().astype(str)].mean(axis=1) = str(cluster_index) cluster_mean_df = pd.concat([cluster_mean_df, cluster_df], axis=1) image_cluster = df_pixel_all_max[image_cluster_label[image_cluster_label['cluster'] == cluster_index]['analyte'].to_numpy().astype(str)].mean(axis=1) = str(cluster_index) image_cluster_all = pd.concat( [image_cluster_all, image_cluster], axis=1) cluster_mean_df = cluster_mean_df[cluster_mean_df['ROI'] != "placeholder"] image_cluster_all[['x', 'y']] = df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']] image_cluster_all = image_cluster_all[df_pixel_all_max['replicate'] == replicate]'default') plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_ratio*1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot() cmap ='rainbow', len(np.unique(kmeans_labels))) label_to_color = {label: cmap( i) for i, label in enumerate(np.unique(kmeans_labels))} for i, label in enumerate(np.unique(kmeans_labels)): ax.scatter(tsne_embedding[kmeans_labels == label, 0], tsne_embedding[kmeans_labels == label, 1], c=cmap(i), alpha=1, label=f'Cluster {label}', s=50) if feature_label == "mz": flat_colors = [label_to_color[label] for label in kmeans_labels] repel_labels(ax, tsne_embedding[:, 0], tsne_embedding[:, 1], np.round(, 1), flat_colors, k=jitter_amount, jitter_factor=jitter_factor, font_size=font_size) elif feature_label == "analyte": ms1_features = self.ms1_df.iloc[:, [ 0, analyte_col]].drop_duplicates().to_numpy() tsne_mapping = tsne_embedding[ms1_features[:, 0].astype(int),] flat_colors = [label_to_color[label] for label in kmeans_labels[ms1_features[:, 0].astype(int)]] repel_labels(ax, tsne_mapping[:, 0], tsne_mapping[:, 1], ms1_features[:, 1], flat_colors, k=jitter_amount, jitter_factor=jitter_factor, font_size=font_size) elif feature_label == "none": pass else: print("Method for `feature_label` not found. Defaults to no labeling.") pass ax.set_title( "Image clusters in t-SNE", weight='bold') ax.set_xlabel("t-SNE 1", weight='bold') ax.set_ylabel("t-SNE 2", weight='bold') legend = plt.legend( title='Cluster', title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) for legend_handle in legend.legendHandles: legend_handle.set_alpha(1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/image_kmeans_tsne", dpi=100) truncate_col = np.where(df_pixel_all_max.columns == 'x')[0][0] + 2 insitu_df = pd.concat([df_pixel_all_max['replicate'], df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col]], axis=1) insitu_df = insitu_df[insitu_df['replicate'] == replicate] insitu_df = insitu_df.drop(columns=['replicate']) if self.jit: insitu_2darray = insitu_df.to_numpy() img_array_1c = np.zeros([insitu_2darray.shape[1]-2, int(max(insitu_2darray[:, -1]))+1, int(max(insitu_2darray[:, -2]))+1, 1]) insitu_image = make_image_1c_njit( data_2darray=insitu_2darray, img_array_1c=img_array_1c, remap_coord=False) del insitu_2darray, img_array_1c else: insitu_image = make_image_1c( data_2darray=insitu_df.to_numpy(), remap_coord=False, max_normalize=False) if img_plot_method == "plot_img": plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_ratio*1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) plt.scatter(*tsne_embedding.T) for im, xy in zip(insitu_image[:, :, :, 0], tsne_embedding): q_max = np.percentile(im, quantile) norm = Normalize(vmin=im.min(), vmax=q_max) im = norm(im) im = np.clip(im, 0, 1) plot_image_at_point(im, xy, zoom=zoom, color_scheme="inferno") plt.title("Image clusters in t-SNE", weight='bold') plt.xlabel("t-SNE 1", weight='bold') plt.ylabel("t-SNE 2", weight='bold') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/image_insitu_tsne") elif img_plot_method == "plot_ROI": img_list = [] ROI_max = 0 ROI_info = self.ROI_info[self.ROI_info["replicate"] == replicate] ROI_info.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) show_ROI = True show_square = True color_scheme = "inferno" width_ratios = ( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']).to_numpy().astype(np.float32) width_ratios /= max(width_ratios) width_ratios = width_ratios.tolist() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': np.max( df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/20}) ROI_label_size = max( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']) / ROI_size_divisor truncate_col = np.where(ROI_info.columns == "right")[0][0] for analyte, im in enumerate(insitu_image[:, :, :, 0]):'dark_background') q_max = np.percentile(im, quantile) norm = Normalize(vmin=im.min(), vmax=q_max) im = norm(im) im = np.clip(im, 0, 1) fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec( 1, len(ROI_info), width_ratios=width_ratios, figure=fig, wspace=0.25) for ax_index in range(len(ROI_info)): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, ax_index]) ROI = pd.DataFrame(ROI_info.loc[ax_index]).T start_col = np.where(ROI.columns == "bottom")[0][0] squares = ROI.iloc[:, start_col:truncate_col+1].to_numpy() im_ROI = im[int(squares[0][0]):(int(squares[0][1])+1), int(squares[0][2]):(int(squares[0][3])+1)] if np.max(im_ROI) > ROI_max: ROI_max = np.max(im_ROI) ax.imshow(im_ROI, cmap=color_scheme) for i, square in enumerate(squares): bottom, top, left, right = square top -= bottom bottom -= bottom right -= left left -= left x_coords = [left, left, right, right, left] y_coords = [bottom, top, top, bottom, bottom] if show_square: plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, 'g-', linewidth=3) if show_ROI: plt.text(right/2, bottom-1, ROI.iloc[0, 0], horizontalalignment='center', size=ROI_label_size, color='white') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') fig.canvas.draw() plt.close() img_array = np.frombuffer( fig.canvas.buffer_rgba(), dtype=np.uint8) img_array = img_array.reshape( fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (4,)) img_list.append(img_array)'default') plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_ratio*1.5, self.fig_ratio*1.5)) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 200/self.fig_ratio*1.5}) plt.scatter(*tsne_embedding.T) for im, xy in zip(img_list, tsne_embedding): plot_image_at_point(im, xy, zoom=zoom, color_scheme="inferno") plt.title("Image clusters in t-SNE", weight='bold') plt.xlabel("t-SNE 1", weight='bold') plt.ylabel("t-SNE 2", weight='bold') plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/image_insitu_tsne", bbox_inches='tight')'default') image_cluster_df_long = pd.melt(cluster_mean_df, id_vars=[ 'ROI'], var_name='cluster', value_name='intensity') image_cluster_df_long['intensity'] = image_cluster_df_long['intensity'].div( image_cluster_df_long.groupby(['cluster']).transform('max')['intensity']) if np.unique(image_cluster_df_long['ROI']).shape[0] >= 2: ROI = image_cluster_df_long["ROI"] for cluster in image_cluster_df_long['cluster'].unique(): image_cluster_df_cluster = image_cluster_df_long[ image_cluster_df_long['cluster'] == cluster] pvalue = [ sm.stats.anova_lm( ols('intensity ~ C(ROI)', data=image_cluster_df_cluster.loc[ (image_cluster_df_cluster['ROI'] == combo[0]) | (image_cluster_df_cluster['ROI'] == combo[1]), ['ROI', 'intensity']] ).fit(), typ=1 )['PR(>F)'][0] for combo in list(combinations(ROI.unique(), 2)) ] model_pairs = [ combo for combo in list(combinations(ROI.unique(), 2)) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=( (10+math.comb(self.ROI_num, 2)/10)/2, (7+math.comb(self.ROI_num, 2)/3)/2)) plt.rcParams.update( {'font.size': (10+math.comb(self.ROI_num, 2)/10)}) ax = fig.add_subplot() sns.boxplot(x="ROI", y="intensity", data=image_cluster_df_cluster, color='white') sns.stripplot(x="ROI", y="intensity", data=image_cluster_df_cluster, color='red', size=4, jitter=True) annotator = Annotator(ax, model_pairs, x="ROI", y="intensity", data=image_cluster_df_cluster) formatted_pvalues = [f'{significance(p)}' for p in pvalue] annotator.set_custom_annotations(formatted_pvalues) annotator.annotate() plt.title(f'Mean image of cluster {cluster}', weight='bold') plt.xlabel('ROI', weight='bold') plt.ylabel('Mean Intensity', weight='bold') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/boxplot_cluster{cluster}.jpg", dpi=200) image_cluster_all = image_cluster_all.drop(columns=["ROI"]) if self.jit: insitu_2darray = image_cluster_all.to_numpy() img_array_1c = np.zeros([insitu_2darray.shape[1]-2, int(max(insitu_2darray[:, -1]))+1, int(max(insitu_2darray[:, -2]))+1, 1]) insitu_image = make_image_1c_njit( data_2darray=insitu_2darray, img_array_1c=img_array_1c, remap_coord=False) del insitu_2darray, img_array_1c else: insitu_image = make_image_1c(data_2darray=image_cluster_all.to_numpy(), remap_coord=False, max_normalize=False) ROI_info = self.ROI_info[self.ROI_info["replicate"] == replicate] ROI_info.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if img_plot_method == "plot_img": for analyte, im in enumerate(insitu_image[:, :, :, 0]): q_max = np.percentile(im, quantile) norm = Normalize(vmin=im.min(), vmax=q_max) im = norm(im) im = np.clip(im, 0, 1)'dark_background') fig = plt.figure(figsize=np.max( insitu_df[['x', 'y']], axis=0)/10) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': np.max( df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/10}) gs = GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[np.max(df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0), np.max( # image and legend grids df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/25], wspace=0.05) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) im_plot = ax1.imshow(im, cmap=color_scheme, vmin=0, vmax=1) draw_ROI(ROI_info, show_ROI=show_ROI, show_square=show_square, linewidth=ROI_linewidth, ROI_size_divisor=ROI_size_divisor) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.title(f"Mean image of cluster {analyte+1}") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) colorbar = plt.colorbar(im_plot, cax=ax2) colorbar.set_ticks([0, 1]) colorbar.set_ticklabels([0, quantile]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/mean_image_cluster{analyte+1}.png") del image_cluster_all elif img_plot_method == "plot_ROI": show_ROI = True show_square = True color_scheme = "inferno" width_ratios = ( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']).to_numpy().astype(np.float32) width_ratios /= max(width_ratios) width_ratios = width_ratios.tolist() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': np.max( df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/20}) ROI_label_size = max( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']) / ROI_size_divisor for analyte, im in enumerate(insitu_image[:, :, :, 0]): q_max = np.percentile(im, quantile) norm = Normalize(vmin=im.min(), vmax=q_max) im = norm(im) im = np.clip(im, 0, 1)'dark_background') fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec(1, len( ROI_info) + 1, width_ratios=width_ratios + [0.1], figure=fig, wspace=0.25) for ax_index in range(len(ROI_info)): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, ax_index]) ROI = pd.DataFrame(ROI_info.loc[ax_index]).T start_col = np.where(ROI.columns == "bottom")[0][0] truncate_col = np.where(ROI_info.columns == "right")[0][0] squares = ROI.iloc[:, start_col:truncate_col+1].to_numpy() im_ROI = im[int(squares[0][0]):(int(squares[0][1])+1), int(squares[0][2]):(int(squares[0][3])+1)] ax.imshow(im_ROI, cmap=color_scheme, vmin=0, vmax=1) for i, square in enumerate(squares): bottom, top, left, right = square top -= bottom bottom -= bottom right -= left left -= left x_coords = [left, left, right, right, left] y_coords = [bottom, top, top, bottom, bottom] if show_square: plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, 'g-', linewidth=3) if show_ROI: plt.text(right/2, bottom-1, ROI.iloc[0, 0], horizontalalignment='center', size=ROI_label_size, color='white') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, -1]) fig.suptitle(f"Mean image of cluster \n" f"{analyte+1}", fontsize=ROI_label_size, fontweight='bold') scalar_mappable = ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=color_scheme) scalar_mappable.set_clim(0, 1) colorbar = plt.colorbar( scalar_mappable, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') colorbar.set_ticks([0, 1]) colorbar.set_ticklabels([0, quantile]) cax.set_position([cax.get_position().x0, cax.get_position().y0 + cax.get_position( ).height * 0.25, cax.get_position().width, cax.get_position().height * 0.5]) cax_pos = cax.get_position() line_y = cax_pos.y1 + 0.05 line_x_start = cax_pos.x0 line_x_end = cax_pos.x1 line = Line2D([line_x_start, line_x_end], [line_y, line_y], color='white', transform=fig.transFigure, clip_on=False, linewidth=ROI_linewidth) fig.add_artist(line) resolution_plt = resolution * \ max(round( np.max(ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left'])*(line_x_end-line_x_start), 0)*self.ROI_num, 1) fig.text((line_x_start + line_x_end) / 2, line_y + 0.02, f'{resolution_plt: .0f} $\mu$m', ha='center', va='center', color='white', fontsize=ROI_label_size/2) plt.savefig(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/mean_image_cluster\n" f"{analyte+1}.png", bbox_inches='tight') if insitu_tsne: print("3D t-SNE not supported on GPU. CPU computing time may be long.") truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].fillna( 0) df_pixel_all_max = self.df_pixel_all.copy() df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max.loc[df_pixel_all_max["ROI"] != "placeholder"] df_pixel_all_max.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=0), axis=1 ) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=1), axis=0 ) df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max.fillna(0) from sklearn.manifold import TSNE num_iters = 1000 my_random_state = 1 for cluster_index in range(1, k+1): truncate_col = np.where(df_pixel_all_max.columns == 'x')[0][0] try: tsne_3d = TSNE(n_components=3, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=insitu_perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding_3d = tsne_3d.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].iloc[:, kmeans_labels == cluster_index]) except ValueError: try: tsne_3d = TSNE(n_components=2, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=insitu_perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding_3d = tsne_3d.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].iloc[:, kmeans_labels == cluster_index]) tsne_embedding_3d = np.hstack( (tsne_embedding_3d, np.mean(tsne_embedding_3d, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)))) except ValueError: tsne_3d = TSNE(n_components=1, n_iter=num_iters, perplexity=insitu_perplexity, random_state=my_random_state) tsne_embedding_3d = tsne_3d.fit_transform( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].iloc[:, kmeans_labels == cluster_index]) tsne_embedding_3d = np.column_stack( (tsne_embedding_3d[:, 0], tsne_embedding_3d[:, 0], tsne_embedding_3d[:, 0])) rgb_tsne = pd.concat([df_pixel_all_max['replicate'], pd.DataFrame(tsne_embedding_3d), df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]], axis=1) rgb_tsne = rgb_tsne[rgb_tsne['replicate'] == replicate] rgb_tsne = rgb_tsne.drop(columns=['replicate']) rgb_tsne = rgb_tsne.to_numpy() img_array_1c = np.zeros([rgb_tsne.shape[1]-2, int(max(rgb_tsne[:, -1]))+1, int(max(rgb_tsne[:, -2]))+1, 1]) insitu_image = make_image_1c_njit( data_2darray=rgb_tsne, img_array_1c=img_array_1c, remap_coord=False) insitu_image =, 0) norm = Normalize(vmin=insitu_image.min(), vmax=insitu_image.max()) insitu_image = norm(insitu_image) insitu_image = np.clip(insitu_image, 0, 1) insitu_image = np.transpose( insitu_image[:, :, :, 0], (1, 2, 0)) width_ratios = ( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']).to_numpy().astype(np.float32) width_ratios /= max(width_ratios) width_ratios = width_ratios.tolist()'dark_background') fig = plt.figure() gs = GridSpec( 1, len(ROI_info)+1, width_ratios=width_ratios + [0.1], figure=fig, wspace=0.25) ROI_info = self.ROI_info[self.ROI_info["replicate"] == replicate] ROI_info.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': np.max( df_pixel_all_max[['x', 'y']]).max(axis=0)/20}) ROI_label_size = max( ROI_info['right']-ROI_info['left']) / ROI_size_divisor for ax_index in range(len(ROI_info)): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, ax_index]) ROI = pd.DataFrame(ROI_info.loc[ax_index]).T start_col = np.where(ROI.columns == "bottom")[0][0] truncate_col = np.where(ROI_info.columns == "right")[0][0] squares = ROI.iloc[:, start_col:truncate_col+1].to_numpy() im_ROI = insitu_image[int(squares[0][0]):(int(squares[0][1])+1), int(squares[0][2]):(int(squares[0][3])+1)] ax.imshow(im_ROI, vmin=0, vmax=1) for i, square in enumerate(squares): bottom, top, left, right = square top -= bottom bottom -= bottom right -= left left -= left x_coords = [left, left, right, right, left] y_coords = [bottom, top, top, bottom, bottom] if show_square: plt.plot(x_coords, y_coords, 'g-', linewidth=3) if show_ROI: plt.text(right/2, bottom-1, ROI.iloc[0, 0], horizontalalignment='center', size=ROI_label_size, color='white') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') plt.savefig(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/insitu_3D_tsne_cluster\n" f"{cluster_index}.png", bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def optimize_image_clustering( self, k_max: int = 10 ): """ Group ion images by spatial co-localization. Outputs in situ and box plot visualizations of mean ion image for each cluster. Clustering analysis and in situ mapping of clusters are summarized in lower-dimensional t -SNE embedding. Parameters ---------- k_max : int, optional Maximum number of clusters for cluster validity evaluation """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster") score_array = np.zeros((k_max-1, 4)) truncate_col = np.where(self.df_pixel_all.columns == 'x')[0][0] self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = self.df_pixel_all.iloc[:, :truncate_col].fillna( 0) df_pixel_all_max = self.df_pixel_all.copy() df_pixel_all_max = df_pixel_all_max[df_pixel_all_max["ROI"] != "placeholder"] df_pixel_all_max.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col] = df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].div( np.max(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col], axis=0)) num_iters = 1000 for k in range(2, k_max+1): self.k = k if self.gpu == False: print("Image clustering on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 elif self.gpu == True: try: print("Image clustering on GPU.") from cuml import using_output_type from cuml.cluster import KMeans with using_output_type('numpy'): k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, max_iter=num_iters).fit( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 except: print("GPU error. Defaulting to CPU.") print("Image clustering on CPU. Computing time may be long.") from sklearn.cluster import KMeans k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=self.k, init="k-means++", random_state=0, n_init="auto", max_iter=num_iters).fit(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T) kmeans_labels = k_means.labels_ + 1 score_array[k-2, 0] = davies_bouldin_score( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T, kmeans_labels) score_array[k-2, 1] = calinski_harabasz_score( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T, kmeans_labels) score_array[k-2, 2] = silhouette_score(df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T, k_means.fit_predict( df_pixel_all_max.iloc[:, :truncate_col].T)) score_array[k-2, 3] = k_means.inertia_'default') categories = ["DB", "CH", "Silhouette", "Elbow"] plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22}) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'purple', "black"] normalized_scores = np.divide(score_array, np.max(score_array, axis=0)) x_values = np.arange(2, k_max+1) for i, (category, color) in enumerate(zip(categories, colors)): y_values = normalized_scores[:, i] plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, color=color, label=category) plt.plot(x_values, y_values, color=color) plt.xlabel('Number of clusters', weight='bold') plt.ylabel('Max-Normalized Scores', weight='bold') plt.legend(title='Score', fontsize="small", title_fontproperties={'weight': 'bold'}) plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/image_cluster/image_clustering_optimization_plot.png", bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def make_boxplot( self ): """ Box plot comparison of mean ion intensity across ROIs with pairwise statistical comparison. Statistical significance thresholds are represented as `*` if 0.05 > $p$-value $geq$ 0.01, `**` if 0.01 > $p$-value $geq$ 0.001, and `***` if $p$-value $\leq$ 0.001. """ if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures") if not os.path.exists(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/boxplot"): os.makedirs(f"{self.data_dir}/figures/boxplot") self.df_mean_all = self.df_pixel_all.groupby( ['ROI', 'replicate', 'ROI_num']).mean().reset_index() self.df_mean_all.columns = self.df_mean_all.columns.astype(str) self.df_mean_all = self.df_mean_all[self.df_mean_all['ROI'] != 'placeholder'] if self.df_mean_all['ROI'].shape[0] < 2: warnings.warn("Needs at least 2 ROIs.", RuntimeWarning) return None ROI = self.df_mean_all.iloc[:, 0] df_mean_all_long = pd.melt(self.df_mean_all, id_vars=[ 'ROI', 'replicate', 'ROI_num', 'x', 'y'], var_name='analyte', value_name='intensity') for analyte in df_mean_all_long['analyte'].unique(): df_mean_all_analyte = df_mean_all_long[df_mean_all_long['analyte'] == analyte] try: df_resid = ols('intensity ~ C(ROI)', data=df_mean_all_analyte.loc[ (df_mean_all_analyte['ROI'] == np.unique(df_mean_all_analyte['ROI'])[0]) | (df_mean_all_analyte['ROI'] == np.unique(df_mean_all_analyte['ROI'])[1]), ['ROI', 'intensity']] ).fit().df_resid if df_resid == 0: warnings.warn( "Insufficient sample size for computing p-values.", RuntimeWarning) return None except ValueError: warnings.warn( "Insufficient sample size for computing p-values.", RuntimeWarning) return None pvalue = [ sm.stats.anova_lm( ols('intensity ~ C(ROI)', data=df_mean_all_analyte.loc[ (df_mean_all_analyte['ROI'] == combo[0]) | (df_mean_all_analyte['ROI'] == combo[1]), ['ROI', 'intensity']] ).fit(), typ=1 )['PR(>F)'][0] for combo in list(combinations(ROI.unique(), 2)) ] model_pairs = [ combo for combo in list(combinations(ROI.unique(), 2)) ]'default') fig = plt.figure(figsize=( (10+math.comb(self.ROI_num, 2)/10)/2, (7+math.comb(self.ROI_num, 2)/3)/2)) ax = fig.add_subplot() plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': (7+math.comb(self.ROI_num, 2))}) sns.boxplot(x="ROI", y="intensity", data=df_mean_all_analyte, color='white') sns.stripplot(x="ROI", y="intensity", data=df_mean_all_analyte, color='red', size=4, jitter=True) annotator = Annotator(ax, model_pairs, x="ROI", y="intensity", data=df_mean_all_analyte) formatted_pvalues = [f'{significance(p)}' for p in pvalue] annotator.set_custom_annotations(formatted_pvalues) annotator.annotate() plt.title(f'm/z {[int(analyte)]}', weight='bold') plt.xlabel('ROI', weight='bold') plt.ylabel('Mean Intensity', weight='bold') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( f"{self.data_dir}/figures/boxplot/mz_{[int(analyte)]:.3f}.jpg", dpi=200)